Every first, third and fourth Wednesdays of the month (deadline: 17:00, 2 weeks in advance of meeting).
This schedule is subject to change in unusual situations.
Proposals received after the deadline are carried over to the next meeting.
Rapid Reviews may be conducted outside of regular meeting times in appropriate circumstances.
The researchers or sponsors recruitment notices or a call for applicants for the clinical trials on our popular website bulletin board. Mass media such as newspapers or broadcasting is also used when needed.
You can participate in clinical trials by applying on our website, by phone call to our center and in person.
If recruitment has been filled for the clinical trial in which you applied, the center gives you priority at the next available opportunity.
The applicants should visit the center at the appointed time and fill out the written consent form only after reading and understanding the information provided by the staff of the clinical trial center. For written consent, the information includes very important details such as the purpose and method of the clinical trial, the predicted effects, side effects and risks. You are also informed about alternative treatments for a current disease if you are a patient.
First and foremost, this is to ensure that you are not getting any disadvantage from participation. Be aware that you can always withdraw your participation on a voluntary basis after your agreement at any time, and that you are eligible for compensation and treatment in cases following damage. You also receive guarantees of your personal status and your human rights.
The preliminary inspection depends on the nature of the research and takes approximately 30 minutes. You have free access to your own results of the preliminary inspection. Participants should avoid rigorous exercise and alcohol consumption for 3 days in advance of the preliminary inspection.
Subjects who are deemed suitable after preliminary inspection can participate in the study according to the research plan, and are administered with the newly developed medicine or control drug according to the specified time schedule. You may also be required to undergo clinical laboratory tests (or clinical examinations) similar to the preliminary inspection in order to check safety after drug delivery. Blood or urine collection may also be necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of drugs, with the total amount of blood collection always less than one unit of normal blood donation. Participants are compensated according to the terms of each study.
If nothing unusual is detected during the clinical trial process, clinical trial participation is finished after the planned period. In very rare cases, clinical trial participation can be discontinued according to the judgement of the researcher or the personal objection of subjects if there is significant abnormality or a severe abnormal allergy.